Monday 10 August 2015

Yellow gold

As part of our staycation, we took the girls over to Camber Sands. Its about 40 minutes drive from our house, and the furthest beach we drive too, so its a rare trip! £5 parking for the whole day is definitely a bargain, and its only a short walk to the beach. You do have to negotiate the dunes, which takes camel feet and strong thighs but its worth it every damn time...

I see the sea; far far away!

We arrived at low tide to miles of the smallest of waves - and it pretty much looked like this even as the tide came back in!

Parts of the beach were busy (dogs are allowed at either end) and the rest of the beach was like this! 

On guard...

The sand dunes behind us. No filter required.

Mid afternoon, enjoying a bit of space on the sandiest beach ever!

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