Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Feeling that gentle breeze...

We had intended to go to the beach today, but decided it was a bit breezy for a day by the sea so instead, bizarrely, we decided to go up to the Firehills and then onto Hastings old town - an equally windy walk!! Fortunately the sun kept us warm and the views definitely keep you distracted...

We sneaked off the beaten path for our lunch with a spectacular view of a rocky beach which was quickly disappearing as the tide came in.

After lunch we rejoined the path along to the East hills and down to the tram stairs.

Love the views from the steps which run alongside the East Cliff Tram. Beautiful on the way down and the perfect excuse to stop and catch your breath on the way up!

We had to walk all the way down to the old town for a milkshake - this time, Crunchie, Galaxy and Aero Mint!!

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