Monday 21 September 2015

Any excuse for a coffee

During our glorious week of summer earlier this month, we slipped down to Bexhill after the school run. There is a lovely little cafe currently tucked under the De la Warr, and has a fine selection of drinks and toasted tea cakes - my favourite at 9am! 
Of course we took Bruce, and went for a wander before our treat in the sunshine...

All the little boats covered up for Autumn - still looking very hopeful in the sunshine!

Amazing views for the residents

The De La Warr Pavilion, basking in the sunshine

Love this, definitely helps you get your bearings. For some reason, I thought France was closer and the Sovereign Lighthouse was further out!

Some pure beach shots... sunshine & froth

Finally, some brave foreign students who decided to dip their toes...

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